Monday, June 2, 2008

Meet Jack

So... we got a dog. Now let me explain how this came about.
Bo and I have been talking about wanting to get a dog for quite a while now. But with Bo's crazy schedule, our lack of an official "commitment", trying to get his house sold, me moving from an apartment into a house recently, planned vacations and everything else that you can think of that could be on our plates, we decided to wait until some of that mess cleared the air. Well that was the decision we made up until Bo watched Oprah last Thursday.
I had set the recorder at his house to record the Oprah episode about "Puppy Mills" because I do not have cable at my house yet. Bo got home from work on Thursday and watched it. It apparently changed his mind because his declairation was, "Today is the day that I am getting a dog". So, with that said, it was off to the Pet Superstore to look for a Black Lab.
The rest is history. Bo and I both are totally smitten with this dog. He is so cute and very smart. I am sure to have plenty of puppy stories to blog about later. For now, here are some pictures:

Jack going home with Bo!

Playing with his rope in the bushes

Black dog, red collar... of course he is drinking out of a UGA cup!

Jack playing with soap suds in the driveway.

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